Supportive Housing
Supportive housing seeks to:
- Move people experiencing homelessness into affordable, permanent housing with services
- Promote housing stability to improve quality of life with person-centered planning and support services
- Reduce social costs associated with homelessness, such as use of emergency health care, shelter, incarceration and more
Minnesota Housing provides funding for site-based supportive housing units and Housing Trust Fund (HTF) tenant-based rental assistance for high-priority homeless households.
Guidance and Best Practices
Read Supportive Housing Information and Resources for best practices in supportive housing, occupancy guidance on Long-Term Homeless (LTH) and High Priority Homeless (HPH) units and more.
Post-Selection Materials
Supporting housing service providers are required to provide documentation during the post-selection underwriting and due diligence process. Learn more about required documentation.
Reporting Requirements
Service providers are required to enter LTH and HPH household data in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and submit reports to Minnesota Housing.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: HMIS Software Transition and Reporting
The new HMIS system, ClientTrack, launched on August 2, 2024, and ICA has been adding HMIS users in a phased approach. Visit the Go-Live Status Tracker for daily updates. At this time, the LTH/HPH reports for Minnesota Housing and the HPH eligibility confirmation report are not fully functional. Reference eNews for full details.
Referrals for vacancies in HPH units are still expected to be filled through Coordinated Entry during this transition. Coordinated Entry Priority List managers are able to make housing referrals in ClientTrack and The HPH report can be ran retroactively once it’s available in ClientTrack. In the meantime, the Coordinated Entry Priority List manager can complete the HPH Eligibility Confirmation Form for Households Not Entered in HMIS, or verify by email that the household was referred by Coordinated Entry and is considered eligible as High Priority Homeless.
For questions on Minnesota Housing HMIS requirements, contact
For questions on the software transition or data entry questions, contact the HMIS Helpdesk at
- Find data collection forms at Minnesota's HMIS Forms and Instructions
- Identify who is responsible for reporting to HMIS through HMIS Memo and Contact Form for LTH and HPH Units
HPH Materials
Updated instructions will be posted here when available.
Additional Resources
Meeting invitations are sent on our agency eNews. Be sure to subscribe to the Supportive Housing topic to receive the eNews.