Community Initiatives Programs
Minnesota Housing connects our investments in homeownership to the larger goal of fostering strong communities. We build connections and partnerships with the communities, organizations, and agencies that are working on critical homeownership housing issues across the state.
We are working to do our part to ensure that everyone, regardless of where they live, has access to the essential ingredients for economic and social success: affordable homeownership housing, transportation choices, good schools, strong social networks, and access to healthy places.
Minnesota Housing’s Community Initiatives programs provide funding to assist cities, counties, tribal nations, developers, non-profits, and other organizations across Minnesota with their homeownership housing needs, including:
- New construction of homes
- Acquisition, rehabilitation, resale of homes
- Owner-occupied rehabilitation
- Construction loans
- Homeownership education, counseling, and coaching
- Manufactured home community redevelopment
If you are a Minnesotan looking for a home ownership, down payment, or home improvement loan or grant, or information about homebuyer education, counseling, and coaching, contact 651.296.8215.
If you are a city, county, tribal nation, developer, non-profit or other organization looking for information about programs on the Community Initiatives Team, contact Tal Anderson, Community Initiatives Programs Manager, at 651.296.2198.
Homeownership Investment Grants Request for Proposals
Minnesota Housing announces the availability of up to $37,000,000.00 in funding to support Community Development Financial Institutions’ critical and necessary work in creating and preserving affordable homeownership opportunities across the state – accelerating production, leveraging existing state and federal programs and private sector investments, and addressing gaps in existing homeownership financing resources available to meet housing needs.
Request for Proposals scheduled to open February 10, 2025, at 12:00 PM
Link to United States Treasury CFDI Certification List: List of Certified CDFI's
Proposal Deadline: Proposals submitted in response to the Request for Proposals in this advertisement must be received by email no later than 12 p.m. (noon), CST, on March 12, 2025. Late proposals will not be considered. Fax/mailed proposals will not be considered.
Eligible Organizations
- Qualify for tax exempt status under United States Code, title 26, section 501 (c)(3);
- Have primary operations located in Minnesota;
- Be certified as a Community Development Financial Institution by the United States Department of the Treasury; and
- Provide affordable housing lending or financing programs.
Eligible Activities
- Housing development to increase the supply of affordable owner-occupied homes
- Financing programs for affordable owner-occupied new home construction
- Acquisition, rehabilitation, and resale of affordable owner-occupied homes or homes to be converted to owner-occupied homes; or
- Establishing revolving loan accounts at Community Development Financial Institutions.
Organizations applying for a grant must include a plan to create new affordable homeownership and home preservation opportunities for targeted areas.
Application Materials
Watch the Technical Assistance Webinar Recorded February 20
View the slide deck here
Secure File Exchange
Single Family Secure File Exchange
This tool allows organizations to securely upload and download documentation for the following programs:
- Community Homeownership Impact Fund (Impact Fund)
- Emergency and Accessibility Loan Program
- Enhanced Financial Capacity Homeownership Initiative (Homeownership Capacity)
- Homeownership Education, Counseling and Training Fund (HECAT)
- Homeownership Investment Grants (HIG)
- Rehabilitation Loan Program
Please review the instructions on how to use the Single Family Secure File Exchange.