Supportive Housing Occupancy
Owners and property managers are advised to recognize that supportive housing units are intended to follow Housing First principles with low-barrier and inclusive access for households experiencing homelessness and persons with disabilities.
Tenant Selection
Owners and property managers must make sure that the supportive housing units are leased to eligible households, as defined in the development’s legal documents (for example, the Declaration or LURA). Maintaining a clear understanding of legal documents is vital for ensuring full compliance with funder requirements. The property’s frontline staff should have a copy of the current tenant selection plan outlining eligibility and selection requirements.
Minnesota Housing’s Tenant Selection Plan (TSP) Guidelines outline the requirements and best practices for a TSP.
Tenant Lease-Up
The lease-up process should be identified in the marketing plan, tenant selection plan, memorandum of understanding (MOU), and/or any like agreement. outlining the details of the plan to accomplish leasing.
Minnesota Housing reviews these plans for each development and can provide assistance in developing them. Supportive Housing staff also work with new projects to review their lease-up plans six months prior to leasing to ensure a smooth lease-up process.
Supportive Housing Rent Levels
Supportive housing units must have rental assistance or rent levels affordable for the population served. See Minnesota Housing’s Underwriting Standards for supportive housing units
Refer to Chapter 10.03 in Supportive Housing Information and Resources for information about setting and adjusting rents for units without a rental subsidy.
Vacancies for HPH or LTH Units
Properties with HPH units must participate in Coordinated Entry (CE) for all tenant referrals. The owner/agent should work in partnership with the service provider to ensure effective outreach efforts are in place to access an adequate pool of qualified eligible households that can be referred to the development.
If a HPH unit(s) vacancy unit cannot be filled with a high priority household from the CE supportive housing list within a reasonable timeframe, an owner/agent may contact Minnesota Housing at for guidance on alternative procedures.