Oversight and Support for Property Managers
New Management Checklist
New Management Checklist - Applicants with HUD risk share, LMIR loans, amortizing loans, HIB or other developments with asset management oversight can reference this document for reporting information. If you have any questions, please contact your assigned asset manager.
Property managers can find forms and resources needed for compliance and reporting
Property Management
Inspections and Monitoring
Project Based Section 8 and 811 PRA Contracts
Compliance and Monitoring General Training Tutorial
Compliance and Monitoring General Training - This tutorial covers basic information that all owners receiving a Minnesota Housing deferred loan should know, including general information pertaining to deferred loans, an overview of the teams within asset management, and where to find specific compliance required items on the website.
Training Tutorial (46:29)| Slides [PDF]
- Introduction to PORT Tutorial (4:40) | Slides [PDF]
- Owner Login Tutorial - (8:28)
- OAA and Management Account Tutorial (8:17) | Slides [PDF]
Other Training Opportunities
The following list of trainers is not exhaustive, and Minnesota Housing does not endorse or sponsor any training company.
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