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Local Government Housing Programs

The Local Government Housing Programs team will administer some of the new programs identified in the 2023 Housing Bill. The team will support local governments as they develop new affordable rental and single-family housing, provide rental assistance and other housing needs. 

Four new programs will be launching in 2025: The Local Housing Trust Fund Grants Program, Greater Minnesota Housing Infrastructure Grants, Greater Minnesota Small Cities (Tier II Cities) Housing Aid Grants, and Bring It Home Rental Assistance. The annual reporting instructions and forms for the Local Affordable Housing Aid and Statewide Affordable Housing Aid will be available in the first quarter of 2025. 

Look for further updates and information to be added to this page as it becomes available. 

Current Funding Available


Local Housing Trust Fund Grants ProgramMoreLess

Local Housing Trust Fund Grants Program

The Local Housing Trust Funds Grant Program was established to encourage local governments to create or fund Local Housing Trust Funds.

The program uses state funding to match a portion of new housing trust fund dollars to encourage local investment in affordable housing across Minnesota. These funds may come from any source other than the state or federal government.

 The grant funds:

  • Must be used for households at or below 115% of state median income
  • May be used for
    • Development, rehabilitation or financing of housing
    • Downpayment assistance
    • Rental assistance
    • Homebuyer counseling services
    • Administrative expenses, up to 10% of grant 
  • Must be used within five years 

In 2021, $1 million in one-time funding was allocated to create the program. This was supplemented by an additional $4.8 million in 2023.

Application Process

The Intent to Apply is required to be submitted in advance of the application to be eligible to apply for the 2025 Local Housing Trust Fund Grants Program Request for Proposal (RFP). The Intent to Apply form must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Central Time on February 11, 2025, to be eligible to apply for funding.
For additional details on the program, read the program guide
Greater Minnesota Small Cities (Tier II Cities) Housing Aid Grant ProgramMoreLess

Greater Minnesota Small Cities (Tier II Cities) Housing Aid Grant Program


Intent to Apply Now Open

Minnesota Housing is accepting Notices of Intent to Apply for the 2025 Greater Minnesota Small Cities (Tier II Cities) Housing Aid Grant Program Request for Proposals (RFP). Submitting notice of your intent to apply will help Minnesota Housing and key stakeholders better manage the program and tailor technical assistance to your needs. 

2025 Request for Proposals (RFP) Coming Soon

The Request for Proposals (RFP) will open on or around Thursday, February 20, 2025. Applications will be due sometime in April; please consult the RFP (once available) for details. Minnesota Housing will announce publication of the RFP via eNews and the webpage you are viewing now.

About the Program

This program is designed to aid smaller Greater Minnesota cities (those outside the seven-county Twin Cities metro area with fewer than 10,000 residents) to develop and preserve affordable and workforce housing. Up to $4.5 million is available for 2024-2025. Smaller annual appropriations are expected to continue thereafter.

Only city governments representing cities of fewer than 10,000 residents outside the seven-county Twin Cities metro are eligible for this program. 

You may wish to review the Program Guide for more information.

You may send questions to  

Programs Launching in 2025

Greater Minnesota Housing Infrastructure Grants

Greater Minnesota Housing Infrastructure Grants

$8 million is allocated to the Greater Minnesota Housing Infrastructure Grant program to support cities, counties and Tribal Nations creating sites for workforce and affordable housing in Greater Minnesota.

Grant funds can be used to cover up to 50% of capital costs of physical public infrastructure necessary to support a qualifying housing development. This may include sewers, water supply systems, utility extensions, streets and more, necessary to support single-family, multifamily, homeownership and rental housing development.

  • Grants are generally limited to:
  • $40,000 per lot for one to four units
  • $180,000 per lot for multifamily housing (five or more units/building)
  • $60,000 per manufactured housing lot
  • No more than $500,000 to any grantee or project over a two year period.

Applicants’ matching funds may include in-kind contributions, such as donation of land.

For additional details on the program, please review the program guide.

Minnesota Housing plans to release a Request for Proposals in the first quarter of 2025. 

Local and Statewide Affordable Housing Aid

Local and Statewide Affordable Housing Aid

The Local Affordable Housing Aid and Statewide Affordable Housing Aid helps municipalities develop and preserve affordable housing within their jurisdictions. With the exception of Tier II Cities Grands, funds do not pass through Minnesota Housing.

The Minnesota Department of Revenue will distribute aid directly to jurisdictions:

Jurisdictions receiving aid are required to report their use of these funds to Minnesota Housing starting in 2025. Additional guidance will be provided on this process.

SAHA/LAHA Panelist Discussion: Housing Development and Housing Preservation Recording | Presentation (August 22, 2024)
SAHA/LAHA Panelist Discussion: Emergency Rental Assistance and Housing Stability Recording | Presentation (August 21, 2024)
Read answers to frequently asked questions about LAHA and SAHA.

Bring It Home Rental Assistance

Bring It Home (Rental Assistance)

The Bring It Home Rental Assistance Program, also referred to as “Bring It Home”, is a new program to create rental assistance for low-income families across Minnesota. Funded by state appropriations and a new metro sales tax for housing, the program will provide grants to Program Administrators who will administer the program as direct assistance for renter households. 

A Program Administrator is:

  • Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) administrator: A Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) or other local government agency or authority that administers federal tenant-based or project-based assistance under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937;
  • Tribal Entity: A Tribal government or Tribal Designated Housing Entity; or
  • Nongovernmental Organization: If there is no entity in either category above with the capacity or authority to administer the program, a nongovernmental organization determined by the Minnesota Housing to have the capacity to administer the program.

Program Administrators will provide tenant- and project-based rental assistance for cost-burdened households earning 50% area median income (AMI) or less. Priority for rental assistance shall be given to households earning under 30% AMI that include children.

For more information about Bring It Home, please refer to the Program Guide.

Minnesota Housing anticipates releasing a Request for Proposals for Program Administrators to apply for grant funds in early 2025.  Look up initial minimum grant amounts.

Local Government Housing Programs Updates Webinar held on November 19, 2024

Minnesota Housing hosted a virtual webinar to share updates about the new programs funded by the 2023 legislative session. Watch the recording (00:29:54) | Presentation slides

Programs for Future Development

Lead Safe Homes GrantsMoreLess

Lead Safe Home Grants

The Lead Safe Home Grants program will make homes safer through lead testing and hazard reduction.

Available for nonprofits and local governments, the program:

  • Allows funding to be used for risk assessment and remediation of lead hazards
  • Prioritizes areas with a high concentration of children with lead poisoning
  • Requires 50% of units in multifamily properties to be occupied by renters at or below 60% area median income
  • Allows up to 10% of award to be used for administration, education and outreach about lead hazards

The $4 million one-time appropriation and this program are known as the Dustin Luke Shields Act.
