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Data Requests & Practices

Minnesota Housing is bound by the Government Data Practices Act. This law states all government data are public unless a state or federal law says the data are not public.

Government data includes paper documents, email, flash drives, CDs, DVDs and photographs.

Requesting Data

You can ask to inspect public data at our offices or ask for copies of public data that we keep.

How to Request Data

How to Request Data

To request data, use the Data Request Form.

You can also submit a written request by mail or email. Your request should indicate:

  • You are requesting data under the Government Data Practices Act
  • Include whether you would like to inspect the data, get copies of the data or both
  • Provide a clear description of the data you would like to inspect or have copied
  • Proof of identity (for requests about you)
  • Proof of relationship to or written consent from person you are requesting information on
    • For example, proof you are the person's guardian or completed information release form for attorney representing you

Send your written request to:

Our Response to Data Requests

Our Response to Data Requests

Upon receiving your request, we will review it. We may ask you to clarify what data you are requesting.

We are not required to create or collect new data in response to a data request or provide data in a format that we do not have. If we agree to create data in response to your request, we will work with you on the details of your request, including cost and response time.

After Reviewing Your Request

If we have the data and data is public, we will do one of the following:

  • Arrange for you to inspect the data
  • Arrange for you to pick up copies of the data
  • Send you the data

If we have the data and data is not public, we will notify you and identify the law that prevents us from providing the data.

If we do not have the data, we will notify you.


Our response time will depend on the size and complexity of your request, as well as the number of requests you've make in a given period of time.

Following our response, you have 10 business days to inspect the data or pay the applicable cost. If you do not make arrangements within 10 business days, we will conclude that you no longer want the data and consider your request closed.

Summary Data Requests

Summary Data Requests

You may use the Data Request Form to request summary data. Requests must be made in writing.

We will respond to your request within 10 business days with the data or details of when the data will be ready and how much we will charge you. You are responsible for the cost of creating the data, if applicable.

Summary data are statistical records or reports created by removing identifying information about individuals from entirely private or confidential data.

Cost of Data Requests

Cost of Data Requests

You may inspect public data at no cost.

If you want copies of data, we will charge:

  • 40 pages or less: No charge
  • 41 to 100 pages: $0.25 for one-sided copies or $0.50 for two-sided copies
  • Over 100 pages: Actual cost, including employee time and cost of materials and mailing

You may look at data before deciding to request copies.

Note: Multiple requests made within the same 30 business day period will be treated as a single request for calculating copy costs.

Your Rights

We may collect and keep data about you when we have a legal reason to do so. This includes data on employees, job applicants, applicants for financial housing assistance and more.

Your Data and Levels of Classification

Your Data and Levels of Classification

Government data about individuals have three classifications.

Public Data

All government data are public unless a state or federal law says that the data are not public. Public data can be given to anyone who requests it.

Examples of public data include names of homeownership benefit recipients and job titles of employees.

Private Data

Private data cannot be shared with the public. We can share your private data with you, someone you authorize, our staff with a need to see the data and others as permitted by law or a court order.

Examples of private data include your Social Security Number and your name as an individual recipient of a grant.

Confidential Data

Confidential data has the most protection. Confidential data about you can be shared with our staff who have a need to see the data and others as permitted by law or court order.

An example of confidential data is a Safe at Home participant's address.

Collecting, Updating and Protecting Your Data

Collecting, Updating and Protecting Your Data

Collecting Your Data

When we request data from you that are not public, we will give you a Tennessen warning. A Tennessen warning explains what we do with the data we are collecting. In general, we will use and release the data only as described.

If we need to use or release data in a way not described in the Tennessen warning, we will ask for your written permission. We will also request written permission if you ask us to release your data to another person.

Updating Your Data

You have the right to challenge the accuracy or completeness of public and private data about you. You also have the right to challenge our decision.

Protecting Your Data

The Government Data Practices Act requires us to protect your data. We have established safeguards to ensure your data are safe.

If there is a security breach and someone gains access to your data, we will notify you as soon as possible.

Data on Minors

Data on Minors

If you are a parent or legal guardian, you have the right to look at, get copies of and challenge the accuracy or completeness of public and private data about minor children (under the age of 18) or an individual for whom you are appointed guardian.

If you are a minor

You have the right to request that we not share your data with your parent or guardian. You must put your put your request in writing and include the reasons we should not share the data. We will review your request and make a final decision based on your best interests.

Responsible Parties

  • Responsible Authority: Rachel Robinson, Deputy Commissioner
  • Data Practices Compliance Official: Irene Kao, General Counsel