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Supportive Housing Service Providers

Supportive housing service providers work with people who have experienced homelessness so that they can maintain permanent housing in site-based and scattered site housing settings.

Post-Selection Due Diligence

  • Post-selection Guide
  • Sample MOU - Template for developing a supportive housing MOU. The MOU is completed by the primary service provider, the property management company, and the owner/ sponsor, and it describes the roles and responsibilities of these parties.
  • Service Plan and Budget - The service plan describes how services will be provided to tenants of the supportive housing units. The last page of the service plan is the supportive services sources and uses budget, which identifies all the service related expenses and proposed funding sources for the project.
  • HMIS Memo and Contact Form for LTH and HPH Units - This form identifies who is responsible for reporting to the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
  • Verification of Service Funding Sample Letter - To be completed by the funder for verification of service funding grants or other commitments for supportive housing services.
  • Housing Support (GRH) Funding Commitment Letter - This letter must be completed by the county or tribal human service department for contracted Housing Support providers.
  • Tenant Selection Plan - A tenant selection plan (TSP) must be drafted and submitted along with the completed TSP checklist for Minnesota Housing to review compliance with TSP Guidelines. To the extent permitted by the regulations related to the type of housing, housing providers are encouraged to adopt lenient and flexible criteria regarding these common barriers when creating a tenant selection plan, and are required to follow Minnesota Housing's TSP Guidelines.
Refer to the Supportive Housing Information and Resources publication for information on best practices in supportive housing as well as Long-term Homelessness (LTH) and High Priority Homeless (HPH) definitions and eligibility.
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