As of December 19, 2024, these one-time funds have been exhausted. We are unable to accept any more First-Generation Homebuyer Loan Commitments. If you were not able to access our First-Generation Homebuyer Loan, there may be other downpayment assistance programs available. To explore additional DPA resources that may be available, check out our other Homeownership Programs on our website and the Minnesota Homeownership Center website. There are several first-generation homebuyer programs still available, such as the First-Generation Homebuyers Community Down Payment Assistance Fund.

Availability of Funds
The Minnesota First-Generation Homebuyer Loan Program is closed for new commitments. The one-time funds have been exhausted.
As of 11:00 AM December 19, 2024

The pie chart shows the percentage of First-Generation Homebuyer Loan funds used (committed).