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Application Materials

The application materials listed on this webpage are for reference purposes only and applicable for the Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) and Housing Tax Credits (HTC) funding rounds.

For more information, including policy and guidance documents, program-specific resources, and capital funding program resources, visit the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Funding Round webpage or the Housing Tax Credit webpage.

For more information on the application facilitation tool used for the Multifamily Consolidated RFP and HTC funding rounds, visit the Multifamily Customer Portal Resource webpage.

Qualification Forms are required. For more information, visit the Development Team Qualification Forms webpage to learn more about forms required and submission details.

Stay up to date on Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Rounds News and updates by signing up for our eNews alerts.

Multifamily Consolidated RFP and HTC Funding Rounds

The 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC funding rounds application materials are sectioned by the characteristics of the project. The Multifamily Customer Portal is the best tool to help applicants determine all application materials needed. Depending on the characteristics selected in the Multifamily Customer Portal, application forms and checklist items will auto-populate. Generally, some checklists may be opted out of, if the applicant is not claiming the points for the selection criteria and/or not requesting a specific proposal type. Supporting documentation for each checklist item may also be required and must be uploaded into the checklist.

Pre-Application Documents

Pre-Application Documents

Pre-applications are optional and are not required for applications. Only applicants interested in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 811 Project Based Rental Assistance (PRA) Program or preference for Innovative Construction Techniques scoring points must submit a pre-application. 

Pre-applications for the HUD Section 811 PRA and Innovative Construction Techniques must be submitted through the Multifamily Customer Portal. For more information including pre-application deadline, review the pre-application materials or visit the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Funding Round webpage.

  1. HUD Section 811 PRA Pre-Application - revised
  2. HUD Section 811 PRA Workbook
  3. Innovative Construction Techniques Pre-Application Requirements - available for the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Round 1 only
General Application Forms

General Application Forms

The application forms or checklist items in this, 'General Application Forms' section, will populate for all projects and proposal types in the Multifamily Customer Portal. Application forms are created by Minnesota Housing. Checklists are where application materials, forms, and support documentation are to be updated in Portal.

The first list of application forms and checklist items are required for all applications. An incomplete and/or nonsubmittal of the following may result in ineligibility or incomplete application.

  1. General Certification Form for Project Owner/Sponsor
  2. Organizational Chart
  3. 2024 Multifamily Workbook (Primary Application) - revised. For additional guidance refer to the Workbook Troubleshooting Instructions and the 2024 Workbook Release Notes
  4. Rental Housing Narrative
  5. Site Control
  6. Site Map
  7. Photographs at Application
  8. Environmental Issues Certification
  9. Rental Assistance Payment Standards
  10. Multifamily Fee Remittance Form


These scoring application forms and checklists will populate for all applications, however, some checklists may be opted out if the applicant is not claiming the points for the selection criteria and/or not requesting a specific proposal type. Supporting documentation for each selection criteria, if claiming the points, may also be required to be uploaded in the checklist.

  1. Black, Indigenous, People of Color Business Enterprise-owned and Women-owned Business Enterprise
  2. Community Development Initiative Narrative
  3. Equitable Development Narrative
  4. Financial Readiness to Proceed/Leveraged Funds
  5. Geographic Hold Harmless Provision
  6. Innovative Construction Technique (Determination) letter
  7. Minimum Thresholds
  8. Other Contributions
  9. Preservation: Critical Physical Needs Model
  10. Self-Scoring Worksheet Detail
  11. Transit and Walkability
  12. Universal Design Worksheet
  13. Workforce Housing Communities
Construction Types

Construction Types

The application forms or checklist items in this, 'Construction Types' section, will populate pending the construction characteristic(s) selected. An incomplete and/or nonsubmittal of the application construction type may result in an incomplete application, loss points for the selection criteria, or impact selection and funding considerations.

All Construction Types (New, Rehab, and Adaptive Reuse)

  1. Construction Cost Estimate
  2. Multifamily Intended Methods Worksheet
  3. Preliminary Architectural/Construction Requirements
  4. Universal Design Worksheet

New Construction

  1. New Construction Comparable Property Form

Moderate or Substantial Rehabilitation and/or Adaptive Reuse

  1. Physical or Capital Needs Assessment
  2. Rent Roll
  3. Tenant Relocation Plan
  4. Three Years of Audited Financials (existing properties)
Proposal Type(s)

Proposal Type(s)

The application forms or checklist items in this, 'Proposal Types' section, will populate pending the proposal characteristic(s) selected. An incomplete and/or nonsubmittal of the application proposal type may result in an incomplete application, loss points for the selection criteria, or impact selection and funding considerations.

All Proposal Types (Including 9% HTC, 4% HTC and Deferred Loans, and Deferred Loans Only)

The application forms and checklists will populate for all proposal types, however, the checklist item(s) may be opted out if the applicant is not claiming the points for the selection criteria or not applicable to the application.

  1. First Mortgage Commitment Letter
  2. Utility Allowance (for developments that include tenant paid utilities)
  3. Energy Rebate Analysis
  4. Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Resolution and Letter (Sample)

Housing Tax Credits

The application forms and checklists will populate for all applicants requesting 9% or 4% HTCs. Some checklist items may be opted out if the checklist item is not acceptable. The HTC application forms and checklists must be completed and submitted. An incomplete and/or nonsubmittal of the HTC application forms and checklists may result in an incomplete application, loss points for the selection criteria, or impact selection and funding considerations.

  1. Bond Test Analysis - revised
  2. Compliance with the IRD 10 year Role (for acquisition of existing buildings)
  3. Existing Loan and Tax Credit Documents
  4. Eventual Tenant Ownership
  5. HTC Sample Threshold Letter
  6. HTC Scoring Calculation Worksheet
  7. HTC Section 42 Certification
  8. Local HRA/PHA Notice and Agreement Form
  9. Nonprofit Proof of Status and Intended Participation
  10. Notification of Local Official
  11. QCT, DDA, and State Basis Boost
  12. Syndicator/Investor Letter of Intent
  13. Request for On-Site/Employee Unit (and Treatment of Common Space Unit)

Dual Applications

The application forms and checklists will populate for applications interested in a dual application. An incomplete and/or nonsubmittal of the dual application secondary and/or tertiary Multifamily Workbook checklists may impact selection and funding considerations.

  1. Multifamily Workbook (Secondary) - revised
  2. Secondary Application Workbook Adjustments
  3. Housing Infrastructure Loan-Only Bond Test Analysis - revised
  4. Multifamily Workbook (Tertiary)
Population(s) Served

Population(s) Served

The application forms or checklist items in this, 'Population(s) Served' section, will populate pending the characteristic(s) selected. An incomplete and/or nonsubmittal of the application project type application forms or checklist may result in an incomplete application, loss points for the selection criteria, or impact selection and funding considerations.

Partially Supportive Housing

  1. Partially Supportive Housing Certification Form - revised
  2. Notification to the COC and Human Services - revised
  3. People with Disabilities for HUD Section 811 Narrative - revised

Primarily Supportive Housing

  1. Continuum of Care Confirmation Form - revised
  2. Supportive Housing Narrative - revised
  3. Housing Support Funding Commitment Letter - revised
  4. Service Funding Documentation

Senior Housing

  1. Senior Housing Narrative

HUD Section 811 PRA and People with Disabilities (PWD)

  1. HUD Section 811 PRA Determination Letter
Other Funding Request(s)

Other Funding Request(s)

National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) Operating Subsidy (OS)

Funding Colleagues