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Occupancy Forms

All households occupying units assisted with Minnesota Housing's financing programs, project-based Section 8 and/or Housing Tax Credits must be certified for initial eligibility prior to move-in. Project-based Section 8, HOME, National Housing Trust Fund, Housing Tax Credits, Section 1602, MARIF, TCAP and HOPWA require verification of income and income from assets and a detailed income certification form. Households occupying units assisted with Minnesota Housing’s deferred or amortizing loans without Section 8, HOME, NHTF, etc., must be income certified using a self-certification at initial occupancy.

Use of Minnesota Housing's forms does not guarantee program compliance. Check the respective compliance guide and/or program guide for annual recertification and other program requirements, as they may differ from program to program.

Forms for Data Disclosure and Collection

  • Government Data Practices Act Disclosure Statement - This is a required form for all programs. It is used to inform the tenant that their household composition, income and other information will be reported to Minnesota Housing. It must be signed and dated by all household members age 18 and older.
  • Head of Household and Household Member Demographic Information Form - All heads-of-household that have been approved for occupancy in units assisted with Housing Tax Credit, HOME, National Housing Trust Fund, Section 1602, TCAP, HOPWA or MARIF must complete this form. (If you are able to satisfy reporting requirements because the same data is collected on other forms you use, it is not necessary to also complete this form.)
  • Head of Household Demographic Information Form - All heads-of-household that have been approved for occupancy in units assisted with a deferred loan but not with Housing Tax Credit, HOME, National Housing Trust Fund, section 1602, TCAP, HOPWA or MARIF must complete this form. (If you are able to satisfy reporting requirements because the same data is collected on other forms you use, it is not necessary to also complete this form.)
  • Household Questionnaire - This is a sample form. If you use your own form it must, at a minimum, collect all of the information on the Household Questionnaire.
  • Initial Occupancy Statement by Tenant - note that if a more detailed certification form is required by another program (e.g., Section 8, Housing Tax Credits, USDA Rural Development, etc.), it is not necessary to also complete the Initial Occupancy Statement by Tenant form.

Certifying Tenant Income

Project-based Section 8, HOME, National Housing Trust Fund, Housing Tax Credits, TCAP, Section 1602, MARIF and HOPWA utilize the Section 8 definition of income and require verification of income and assets. The verification forms listed below are samples that may be used for any of those programs. If property management wishes to customize verification forms, they must include all of the data fields collected on the sample forms.

Section 8 assisted units must use HUD form 50059 for income and rent certification. For HOME, National Housing Trust Funds, MARIF, and Housing Tax Credits, the Tenant Income Certification (TIC) is a printable form in PORT; however, if property management software produces a TIC that has all of the data fields on PORT’s form, you do not also have to use PORT’s printed form. When paired with project-based section 8, both the 50059 and a TIC must be on file.

For guidance in determining tenant income, the HUD Handbook 4350.3, Occupancy Requirements of Subsidized Multifamily Housing Programs, is used and is recommended as a reference guide.

Sample forms for Verifying Income
Sample Forms for Verifying Assets

Sample Forms for Verifying Assets

Forms for Housing Tax Credit Assisted Units

Forms for Housing Tax Credit Assisted Units

Forms for Home/NHTF Assisted Units

Forms for Home/NHTF Assisted Units

Forms for Units Assisted with Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIB)

Forms for Units Assisted with Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIB)

Forms for Units Assisted with Minnesota Families Affordable Rental Investment Funds (MARIF)

Forms for Units Assisted with Minnesota Families Affordable Rental Investment Funds (MARIF)

Other Forms

Lead-Based Paint Forms for Properties Built Prior to 1978