Housing Opportunities for Persons With HIV/AIDS (HOPWA) Rental Assistance
To address housing needs for low-income people who are living with HIV/AIDS and their families, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) manages the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program. Funds are distributed to states and cities by formula allocations and made available as part of the area's Consolidated Plan. In addition, some projects are selected in national competitions to serve as service delivery models or operate in non-formula areas. Grantees partner with nonprofit organizations and housing agencies to provide housing and support to beneficiaries.
In Minnesota, state HOPWA formula funds serve Greater Minnesota outside of the 13-county eligible metropolitan statistical area (EMSA), including two Wisconsin counties. Low-income persons (at or below 80 percent of area median income [AMI]) who are living with HIV/AIDS, together with their families, are eligible to receive HOPWA assistance.
Funds are available to eligible persons as emergency assistance for short-term rent, mortgage, and utility payments (STRMU).
- Clare Housing
- Metropolitan Minnesota HOPWA – Ryan White HIV Services (Hennepin County)
Program Administrative Forms
Reports and Program Links
Scoring Transparency and Framework
National AIDS Housing Coalition
Metropolitan Council - Housing - HRA Programs
Deran Cadotte