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Reporting on Agency Work

Minnesota Housing regularly conducts and publishes evaluations of our programs. We do so to report to the community, assess our work and make improvements for efficiency and effectiveness. We strive for continuous improvement.

Annual Program Assessment

Every year, Minnesota Housing issues an Annual Program Assessment. The report details the housing assistance provided during the previous year and summarizes characteristics of households assisted by each program. Read the 2023 Annual Program Assessment.

Every other year, Minnesota Housing reports on the distribution of its assistance by county. Read the 2021-2022 Biennial Report on Housing Assistance

Annual Reports

Annual Cost Containment Report

Minnesota Housing reports on efforts to contain development costs. The report includes results from the last decade. Read the 2023 Cost Containment Report.

Annual Estimation of Emergency Rental Needs for Minnesotans with Low Incomes

Emergency Assistance (EA), Emergency General Assistance (EGA) and the Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP) provide financial assistance to individuals and families with low incomes experiencing a housing crisis. Minnesota Housing develops an annual estimate of the funding required to meet all emergency rental assistance needs in Minnesota for these three programs.

Housing Disparities Report

Minnesota Housing reports to the legislature on efforts to address the state's homeownership disparity gap and low-income concentrated housing disparities. Read the 2023 Housing Disparities Report.

Other Legislatively Required Reports
Special Topic Reports

Evaluation of the Rental Assistance Pilot for Homeless or Highly Mobile Families with School-Age Children

The Minnesota Legislature appropriated $2 million through the Housing Trust Fund for an initial rental assistance pilot project for families with school-age children who have changed schools or homes at least once in a school year. The goal of the pilot was to improve school attendance by stabilizing their housing. This evaluation assesses housing stability and school attendance, but not academic performance, which generally takes several years to measure an impact and is beyond the timeline of this evaluation. Read the February 2017 Report.

Homeownership Capacity Evaluation

Minnesota Housing launched the Enhanced Financial Capacity Homeownership Initiative to serve renters with low incomes and households of color. Read the 2018 Homeownership Capacity Evaluation

Supportive Housing Evaluation, Best Practices and Action Plan

Minnesota Housing worked with the Technical Assistance Collaborative and Human Services Research Institute to conduct an extensive evaluation of our supportive housing portfolio and examine best practices for supportive housing at several housing finance agencies around the country.

COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program Report

The COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program (CHAP) Report provides information on funds disbursed and households assisted under CHAP. Read the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Program Report.

Archived Reports
Annual Program Assessment
Biennial Report on Housing Assistance
Cost Containment Report
Housing Disparities Report
Special Topic Reports

Housing for Seniors

With baby boomers starting to enter retirement age, Minnesota Housing is carrying out a series of research reports examining the housing needs and options for seniors.
