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Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals/Housing Tax Credits Funding Rounds

The 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 is closed.

Minnesota Housing anticipates presenting the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 selection recommendations to the board of directors on Thursday, December 19, 2024. The Funding and selections with scores will be available on the Funding Selections web page in 2025.

The Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP) is a competitive funding round, offered once per year, which provides a means of "one stop shopping" by consolidating and coordinating multiple multifamily housing capital funding resources into one application process. It deploys significant capital funds and is the primary mechanism that Minnesota Housing uses to award and allocate federal and state resources. Applicants may request funding for a specific housing development and/or activities that meet a specific housing need. Applicants generally do not apply for specific funding sources. During the evaluation period, Minnesota Housing identifies which funding sources are eligible for a given application.

Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Round 1 is offered through the Multifamily Consolidated RFP and uses a forward selection process with selections taking place late in the calendar year preceding the allocation year of the HTCs. The HTC’s Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) and the Self-Scoring Worksheet set the policies and procedures used to score, evaluate, and select multifamily applications for funding that are submitted to the Multifamily Consolidated RFP. Additional capital funding programs available through the Multifamily Consolidated RFP may have further eligibility and requirements.

Sign Up for Multifamily Consolidated RFP Updates

Stay up to date on Multifamily Consolidated RFP news and updates by signing up to receive our eNews.

Technical Assistance

We offer and strongly encourage, a technical assistance (TA) session to discuss your project with Minnesota Housing staff.  To make the TA session productive, we recommend applicants begin by completing the Multifamily Workbook and preliminary scoring of the project.  These items can be submitted to the TA team advance of the scheduled TA session. If you would like TA as you complete your funding application, complete, and submit the Technical Assistance Request Form to begin the process

2024 Consolidated RFP and 2025 HTC Round 1 is closedMoreLess

2024 Consolidated RFP and 2025 HTC Round 1 is closed

The 2024 Consolidated RFP and 2025 HTC Round 1 is closed.

Funding recommendations will be presented at the Minnesota Housing's December 2024 board meeting. Selections can be found on the RFP and HTC Funding Selections webpage in February 2025.

Closed application resources and materials are for reference only.

2024 Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 eNewsMoreLess

2024 Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 eNews

Capital Funding and Program ResourcesMoreLess

Capital Funding and Program Resources Offered

Capital funding and program resources vary from year-to-year. Generally, the Multifamily Consolidated RFP offers the following: 

Housing Tax Credits are allocated twice per year through a competitive process:

  • Round 1, this is Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC funding round, when much of our other funding is also available, and
  • Round 2, a smaller round of HTC but uses the same application materials from the Multifamily Consolidated RFP; HTC Round 2 generally does not offer the deferred loans.

Amortizing mortgages and Bridges Loans, may include but are not limited to:

  • Low and Moderate Income Rental (LMIR) Program
  • Bridge Loan Product

Deferred Loans, may include but are not limited to:

  • Economic Development and Housing Challenge (EDHC), including the American Indian set-aside
  • Flexible Financing for Capital Costs (FFCC)
  • Housing Infrastructure Program, including Housing infrastructure Appropriations (HIA) and Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIB)
  • Preservation Affordable Rental Investment Fund (PARIF)
  • HOME Investment Partnership (HOME)
  • National housing Trust Fund (NHTF)

U.S. Department of Housing Urban Development (HUD) Section 811 Project-Based Rental Assistance (PRA) Program

Funding Partners include:

Application ResourcesMoreLess

Application Resources

The policy and guidance documents listed are the foundation to the Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC funding rounds. All projects must meet the requirements of these policy and guidance documents. The program-specific resources listed are supplemental to the policy and guidance documents and may provide further requirements and/or guidance.

Policy and Guidance Documents

Program and Other-Specific Resources

  • Deferred Loan and Grant Programs - Reference all program guides for each Capital Funding and Program Resources Offered. Though applicants generally do not request a specific program, each program may have different eligibilities and requirements.
  • Housing Tax Credits - Awards and allocates federal tax credits to owners of qualified affordable rental housing projects. These HTCs, which offer a 10-year reduction in tax liability, are sold to investors in exchange for capital to build eligible affordable rental housing units in new construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition with rehabilitation.
  • Preservation - Prioritizes properties for preservation that are at risk of losing federal rental assistance due to poor physical condition, diminished owner capacity or owner commitment, or at risk of conversion to market (opting out of the rental assistance program).
  • Rent and Income Limits - HTC Rent and Income Limits, Fair Market Rents (FMR), Area Median Income (AMI)
  • Supportive Housing - Ending Long-Term Homelessness Initiative, reports and studies on homelessness, service models, Minnesota Departments of Human Services (DHS) programs, Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS).
Application Materials (for reference only)MoreLess

Application Materials

Application materials may be downloaded and must be uploaded to the Multifamily Customer Portal.

*Tip: All Required checklist items will populate once applications, including Funding Partner(s) applications, are created in the Multifamily Customer Portal.

Development Team Qualification Forms

All development team members must have current qualification forms on file for each funding round for which they apply.  Qualification forms are valid for 12 months. Learn more about the qualification forms and how to submit them.

Training ResourcesMoreLess

Training Resources

The training resources were held and recorded for the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Round 1 funding rounds. However, they are also applicable to the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Funding Rounds. 

2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Round 1 Virtual Kickoff Event

The virtual Multifamily Consolidated RFP/HTC Round 1 Kickoff Events occurred on April 16th and 17th. These events are not a replacement for project-specific technical assistance. Complete and submit a Technical Assistance Request Form.

Virtual Session 1: Covers who Minnesota Housing is and provides an introductory overview of the Multifamily Consolidated Request for Proposals (RFP), which includes the process, programs and funding resources and selection considerations. (Hosted April 16)
Session 1 recording (01:07:09) | Presentation Slides 

Virtual Session 2: Covers updates regarding the Multifamily Consolidated RFP process and programs and will provide tips and tricks to help applicants submit an application. (Hosted April 17)
Session 2 recording (01:34:43) | Presentation Slides

Topics Covered:

  • Consolidated RFP Updates (minute 09:42)
  • Methodology Updates (minute 34:30)
  • Technology Updates (minute 36:46)
  • Funding Partner Updates 
    • LHIA (minute 40:45)
    • Saint Paul PHA (minute 44:35)
  • Programs and Funding Resources Updates
    • HTC Funding Rounds (minute 48:38)
    • EDHC (minute 53:47)
    • Housing Infrastructure Program (minute 57:17)
    • Federal Programs (minute 63:13)
    • HUD Section 811 PRA Program (minute 67:56)
    • State Housing Tax Credit Program (minute 69:07)
  • Project Teams Updates and Tips and Tricks
    • Technical Assistance (minute 73:23)
    • Underwriting (minute 77:40)
    • Architecture (minute 82:30)
    • Asset Management (minute 85:08)
    • Supportive Housing (minute 88:50)

Self-Scoring Worksheet Training(s)

The 2024-2025 Self-Scoring Worksheet is applicable for both the 2023 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2024 HTC Funding Rounds and the 2024 Multifamily Consolidated RFP/2025 HTC Funding Rounds. The Self-Scoring Worksheet contains the selection criteria that applicants use to score their application in the Scoring Wizard found in the Multifamily Customer Portal.

HUD Section 811 PRA Program Technical Assistance Session

Minnesota Housing hosted a HUD Section 811 PRA Program Pre-Application technical assistance virtual event on May 23rd, for potential applicants. This session provided technical assistance to all owners who are interested in and intend to apply for HUD Section 811 Program funds. The session gave owners who are less familiar with the HUD Section 811 PRA Program, a chance to better understand the program and if it’s a good fit. Recorded session (20:33) | Presentation Slides

Multifamily Customer Portal Tutorials

For most funding types, the application process is facilitated through our Multifamily Customer Portal. If you do not have a Portal account, refer to the Multifamily Customer Portal Resources Webpage so that you can learn how to access our Common Application.

  • Apply for Funding - Learn how to get started in the Portal. This tutorial also walks through how to find open funding rounds, create a project using the Apply for Funding Wizard and request project team access.
  • Intent to Apply - Learn what the Intent to Apply is and the steps you need to complete to meet the deadline. This tutorial also covers how to withdraw a project from consideration.
  • Project Checklist - Learn how to select project characteristics, manage checklist items, and submit a checklist.
  • Scoring Wizard - Learn how to use the Scoring Wizard to complete the self-scoring process.

Oldies but goodies: